Dec 19, 2014
In the final podcast of 2014, Emily and Matt welcome the return of Jon Schwabish. We chat with Jon about HelpmeViz and the importance of helping other people pick up best practise. We then talked about his latest hackathon/data dive. Thank you to everyone for listening in our first year and we're looking forward to...
Nov 26, 2014
This week Emily and Matt were joined by Andy Cotgreave, Tableaus Social Content Manager. We talked to Andy about what he does, what it takes to be Zen Master and his superb TCC14 talk about Willard Brinton
Nov 11, 2014
This week Matt and Emily are joined by Zen Master Jonathan Drummey. Along with the usual chat about Viz of the Day Jonathan tells us how he wants everyone to get better Tableau. The slides that Jonathan talked about can be found...
Oct 31, 2014
This week Emily and Matt talk about Donna Coles excellent Prostate Cancer Viz and review Ryan Sleepers superb #data14 talk on dashboard design. Please join our Movember team here...
Oct 14, 2014
This week, back by popular demand, well his demands, is Andy Kriebel. Along with the usual review of a VOTD, Emily and Matt did a live review of Andy's latest Story using Tableau.